Our aim is to offer you the best in advertising your business or service in Berkshire and to keep you as a satisfied customer.
This is an important page, here you will be able to:
- Create your customer profile.
- Upload the details/images/video links etc needed for us to create your ad spot.
- Supply us with the details needed to create your web page if you are not linking you ad spot to your own website.
- Enable you to contact us with any issues you may have.
Once you have supplied us with ALL the information we need, our support team will set about creating everything for you. Once the ad and web page is made live you will be able to view it on line and at any point you can make changes by contact our support team support@whatsoninberkshire.com
Please supply us with your email address so we can send you a copy of this order form regardless if you are a returning advertiser.
1. Customer Profile
Tick this box if you are a returning advertiser as we will have your customer profile already.
If you are a NEW Advertiser, please fill in the details for us to create a customer profile. This is important as we may need to contact you. Please fill in all the fields.
Which Area are you in?
Click here to see roughly which area your business or service is in.
We offer you a FREE spot on the Berkshire Map.

2. Your Advertising spot
Tick this box if you are a returning advertiser as we will have your add copy
If you are a New advertiser or a returning advertiser that is ordering NEW ad spot,
Please supply the details needed for us to create your ad spot.
Double check before you submit, we will publish what you send us, so please check everything before you hit the submit button.
Your Advertising spot is “Berkshire News rolling banner”
Or if you do not have a website please fill in below and supply us with all the details for us to create your FREE web page.
Here are few examples of a typical web page we create for you.
3. Create your own web page
Tick this box if you are a returning advertiser as we will have your web page already
You can now create your own web page that you can use to link to your ad. Be sure to double check everything before you submit this.