More than 300 motorists to receive speeding tickets after car meet near Reading

More than 300 cars are set to receive speeding tickets following a car meet in Three Mile Cross, Thames Valley Police has said. Officers were conducting Operation Chromium on Sunday night (September 17) at Mereoak Park and Ride.

Police attended having received multiple reports of car meets in the area in recent weeks. Wokingham North neighbourhood team was joined by specialist units and members of the local authority.

Around 250 vehicles descended on the park and ride on Sunday for the meet and were said to have received a “warm welcome” from the majority of motorists. However, a speed camera in the vicinity captured numerous speeding offences with officers saying upwards of 300 cars can expect a fine as a result.

READ MORE: M4 and M25 Berkshire road closures announced for the week ahead

Other motorists at the car meet were given section 59 warnings, which are issued for those using their vehicle in an anti-social manner. Fixed penalty notices were also given out to those using their vehicles in such a manner.

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